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Monster of the Maginot Line, and French Oil Mill

Private·3 members


Join us to explore the undergrounds of Hackenberg's Maginot Line Fortress by electric train. Let’s discover the “Maginot Line", in Veckring, France, just one hour from Luxembourg.

Nicknamed the “Monster of the Maginot Line”, the Hackenberg Fortress has 10 km of galleries and 19 blocks, including 15 combat blocks, linked by 3.5 km of electrified railways.

Our passionate guides will explain you how, 100 years ago, after the slaughter of the First World War and the numerous victims of the Spanish flu, France decided to protect its borders by launching the construction of the most important fortification of the 20th century, the “Maginot Line”.

The Moselle is beautiful in Springtime. At the Hackenberg, in Veckring, we are sheltered from bad weather... Indoor temperature 12 degrees. You will be sheltered and dry for more than 2.5 hours.

Combine heritage discovery and nature outings! In Buding (5 kms from Hackenberg Fortress), you will visit one of the last oil mills in Eastern France. In a green setting, you will experience the history of the Buding Mill and learn to understand the formidable machine, in perfect working order, which once produced flour or oil for lighting.

More surprises coming up during the day. We will spend a fantastic day in a mix between culture and adventure. A real dive into history. Forward us! Forward Nature!

(Tour not recommended to children, we recommend from 14 years of age)


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  • March 22, 2023


  • Pedro Azevedo

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